If an employee was incorrectly assigned to a plan, the employer must notify MSRS and (if applicable) change the plan on the employee SEMA4 records. When MSRS discovers the issue, MSRS will notify the employer to request a change in plan assignment. The change can be verified by MSRS Eligibility staff either by reviewing the SEMA4 retirement plan code or the subsequent payroll reporting provided by the agency.

Once the retirement plan assignment is corrected, transfers between plans, refund of contributions, or collection of omitted contributions are handled. MSRS Eligibility staff contacts the employer and/or employee with the relevant information regarding the collection or refund of contributions.

  • For state employees (SEMA4), MSRS is authorized to enter transactions directly on the payroll system to correct the contributions.

  • For non-SEMA4 employers, the correction of contributions must be handled on periodic payrolls, with adjustments to the employee's deduction records and the resulting adjustment on the payroll remittance from the employer.