Employer provides payroll contact information
Employers must identify payroll and HR/Benefit contacts responsible for remitting or updating payroll contributions.
Please complete the PSC Authorization form (pdf).
Empower will provide designated contacts with an ID and password to access PSC (see below).
The Plan Service Center or PSC is the web based processing application you will use to remit your employees MNDCP, HCSP, Unclassified State Employees Retirement Plan or Hennepin County Supplemental Plan contributions to Empower.
Payroll contact information changes
If contact information has changed (e.g. an employee has separated from service), please notify MSRS immediately via the PSC Authorization form (pdf).
A former employee's ID and password will be revoked. An ID/password will be issued to any new contacts identified by the employer on the PSC Authorization form (pdf).
ID and password
Access PSC with a secure ID and password. Designated payroll and HR/Benefits contacts will receive two emails from security@retirementpartner.com.
The first email will include a username and link to the website
The second email will include a temporary password
Designated contacts will follow the registration process to create their own unique username and password.
- Usernames and passwords are case sensitive
- Usernames must be at least 7 characters and can contain numbers, letters and special characters.
- Passwords must be between 8-64 characters and contain at least three of the following character sets: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, munbers, special characters @ $ ! # % * ? & + . _ -
- Users who forget their password can reset their passwords online via the Login Help function.
Questions about PSC access or password help?
Contact MSRS Payroll Support at 1-800-657-5757, extension 7729
- Enhanced security Users will be prompted to confirm their identity upon initial login by having a verification code sent to their email address on file. A new user can also add alternate contact information for future logins, create a new password and update their username.
The site offers a "Remember this device" feature within the new login process. When a user selects this option, they will not be required to go through the multifactor authentication process to login for 90 days for that browser. Rather, they will be able to login by just entering their username and password.