Correctional Employees Retirement Plan

After an employee has been assigned to the Correctional Plan and MSRS' eligibility staff has determined that the assignment is correct per Minnesota Statutes, MSRS requests the Department of Corrections (DOC) human resources to certify that their employees meet the requirements for inclusion in the plan. The Department of Human Services sends MSRS a list of certified employees for inclusion in the plan.

State Patrol Retirement Plan

When an employee is assigned to the State Patrol Retirement Plan and MSRS' eligibility staff has determined that the assignment is correct per Minnesota Statutes, MSRS sends Form SSA-1945, "Statement Concerning Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by Social Security"  to the employee as notification that the employee does not pay FICA tax. The employee must sign and return the form to MSRS. MSRS places the form in the employee's MSRS file. 

Judges Plan

  • New appointment: The Office of the Governor must provide MSRS with a copy of the Governor's appointment of a new judge.

  • Termination of appointment: A copy of the termination document for the judge (judge's letter of resignation or letter of acceptance of a judge's termination) must be sent to MSRS.

Unclassified Plan - Metropolitan Council

Metropolitan Council is limited to 27 unclassified positions, in addition to the chair of the Council. When a new employee is designated, Met Council sends a copy of the resolution of the Council, naming the position and newly appointed employee, along with the termination date for the employee holding the position previously, if applicable.